Wednesday, February 9, 2011

When will summer come?

It's SUNNY! Woohoo :D

While we have 45 degree weather, the rest of the United States is experiencing snow storm after snow storm.

I shouldn't complain... BUT...


The Puget Sound is so beautiful in the summer time :) Along with the whole state of Washington... (well, maybe not the dry east side).

Soaking up the sun

Doesn't that picture look like it should be in a REI magazine??


Usually my brother and I bike down to the water, but I've done it with a couple of my friends too. It's only 3 or 4 miles each way. And boy, is it worth it! I can't wait to go biking outside without breathing in freezing O2.

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you! That picture looks like it should be in a REI magazine! You are so talented:)
    We should go on tons of bike rides this summer...:)


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