Friday, December 23, 2011

Rumor has it

I have been trying to educate myself in the blogging world.
Yes, trying.
Trying very hard.

I didn't know what a favicon was until 15 minutes ago. Do you know what one of those is?? You probably do. And you've probably known what one is for a year or 2. Ok, I did know what they were, only thing is, I didn't know what they were called. Favicon, that's their name.

(For those of you who don't know what one is, I'll tell you. It's the little tiny picture that appears next to a website url.) there you go... : )

And..... it took me 2 hours, no 3 or 4 hours, to figure out how to make a simple little button with a code for people to put on their blogs. That's just not right if you ask me.

But after ALL that, I am 1) very proud of myself AND 2) in awe of the blogs I see. People put a lot of work into them. Codes for this and that. Codes, codes, codes.

here it is(!!!):



<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="125" height="125" /></a>


big happy face.

Button up!
It's cold outside.
(ha ha ha...)

And while I'm at it, I'll tell you the story behind this little picture. It was taken in '09 (i think) while living in Germany (i know). My friends and I did a fun little photo shoot in our German village, Huetschenhausen. We dressed up in skirts and cowboy boots and grabbed a couple umbrellas then headed out to brave the cloudy (almost rainy) weather.


  1. Good job, Rosala! I didn't know I still had the link to your blog, and I'm so glad I do :) Keep it up!

  2. Thanks, Leah! :)) I have a little more free time on my hands these days ;)


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:) thanks for stopping by & have a blessed day.