Sunday, March 11, 2012


I made green tea with a hint of mint
*the mint was from our garden this past summer. I dried them (in the summer) then crushed the leaves into a teapot (today).

I know, it doesn't look green. For some reason the Tazo green tea isn't green.

But it sure tastes delicious!

And this is where I do homework: on my floor. My desk is too small for all of my scattered papers.
Notice the yellow papers? In A&P, we are doing the urinary system. Coincidence? I don't think so...
I love my professor! hehe :) I'm really sad she won't be my teacher next quarter.

I need at least 5 colors when I'm working with anatomy&physiology


I don't know if I've said this before, but I LOVE MAKING LISTS.
Especially when it's the weekend, and when I'm feeling productive.
School seems to drain me out during the week, but on Saturday and Sunday I find energy to get a lot of stuff done. (if I write a list)
I get so happy when I'm able to cross stuff off the list ;)
On Friday afternoons, I write a whole long list of things I need to do/work on/finish.
I usually don't finish everything on the list, but I try! :)

This is the list from this weekend:
+add milk/flour/sugar to Amish Friendship Bread
+feed a friend's rabbit
+ read Romans 9-11, Ps 59-64, & Numbers 23-25
+read some of the Hunger Games book 2
+read some of the Help
+do laundry
+clean/organize room
+watch an episode of Glee
+memorize 1 Corinthians 10:13
+start my paper for music class
+work at the coffee shop at church (aka Buna)
+watch/hold/feed/love/care for babies in the nursery at church
+call my friend, Amy
+paint my nails
+make a calendar for June, July and August
+ clean floors downstairs
+babysit for a small group Bible study
+study/work on A&P homework

And that's pretty much it. I only skipped/didn't finish 3 of them...
I'm ready as I'll ever be for Monday now.


  1. Cute! Love you. I can't figure out why I can't add you to my list of blogs... Hmph

  2. I think you already follow me. Lol. Your little picture is in my follower/member section on the right.

  3. I love making lists too, makes me feel productive!

    p.s. thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog. So glad you stopped in to say hi!


  4. I have been wanting to read the hunger games, I saw the movie and heard that the book was really good, I want to get into it!


  5. Yay, another person I know has a blog! I'll have to put you on my bloggy list so I can read more of your entries later, it's late!

  6. Wow i'm super impressed that you made mint tea. And who doesn't love list making? :)

  7. making list is the best thing ever! Plus the second hunger games is my favorite of all 3 books.

  8. Absolutely cute blog!! I followed!

    The tea looks YUMMY!


i love comments; they're the best.
:) thanks for stopping by & have a blessed day.