Monday, January 7, 2013


Remember that 20 by 20 post? Well, the deadline is coming up very soon!! In two weeks, I'll be 20! I need to step it up and finish strongly, because the other months this year were kind of lacking in determination to finish these goals.

I’m embarking on my vegan journey today. It’s where the knowledge is put into practice- where the rubber meets the road. 
I’ll be running around town later today like a crazy person trying to find things like tempeh, vegenaise, earth balance etc etc.

I have a few reasons why I haven’t started sooner.

1. Family and friends. When a dear one makes something with (fill in the blank), of course I’ll be thankful for it, try it and eat it. I’m not saying vegetarians/vegans are snobs, but I kinda feel that way when I say, “no thank you”.

2. Convenience. I eat at the dining places at school, and although they have a good amount of options, their vegan stuff (mostly steamed veggies) is lacking.

3. Money. I don’t like spending money. Last semester, Nate and I bought bread, cereal and milk. Yeah, that’s pretty much it. The school dining centers provided the rest.

4. Many things in our pantry aren’t vegan. Example: chicken stock. I feel bad buying vegetable stock if we already have stock. See what I’m saying? Should I bring stuff to the food bank? Save it? I don’t think Nate will find a need for most of the stuff. Also, the can of refried beans, we have, has lard in it…  It’s quite amusing what you’ll find when you look on the back of food labels. I dare you.

So with all that being said, I’m trying to figure out where to draw the line. When it’s too much over kill, and when I should push this new diet (oh, how I HATE using that “d” word)…
This road will be bumpy, imperfect, and probably quite humorous- laugh with me; it might be fun.

I’m challenging myself for a week. 21 meals. Seven of which will be cereal and almond milk and maybe oatmeal (no surprise there). The others will have to be a little more creative. After this week I’ll probably try to use up pantry stuff and slowly replace it with animal free ingredients. I’m basically doing this because it’s healthier (to reduce/eliminate saturated fats) on one’s body and more sustainable to the earth.

I know this is a controversial topic, and I’m not here to argue with people. I’m just saying what I think, and what I’ll do. God said that animals were for man’s use; I’m not bashing anyone who eats meat.

I pray that whatever I eat, I will be thankful to God for it, and I’m also thankful I CAN choose what I eat. Many people don’t have that luxury. :(

If I find (and make) any good recipes, I’ll post them here.

Ok, now excuse me while I go on my hunt to find these ingredients. 


  1. I just found and followed your blog! Love it! Good luck with this goal! I know there are many obstacles, like with any goal...but you can do it! :)

  2. i don't know if i were able to be a vegan.
    i hope you can do it!

  3. p.s : i just read your about me page and i'm the eldest of 5 too!!!
    only that i have one sister


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