Wednesday, May 29, 2013

diamond head hike {and other things we did that day}

oh, the the sights of hawaii.
kai and i were just copying the actions of the people before us. :)

this day was great! hiking, shopping, and running trying to run. it would have been better if my dad was able to come along, but he had to work. we planned to leave the house at 6am, but ended up leaving at 6:30- i'd say it was successful. that's how it goes when you have to pack lunches, eat breakfast, get dressed etc x6. :) this hike has no shade whatsoever (besides the 30 seconds of tunnel you walk through), so getting there early is key to beating the heat. we finished the 3-miles round trip hike before 9am, and before a ton of middle schoolers pulled up in 4+ school buses. success again! the rest of the day was spent window shopping at an outdoor mall (a mall nate and i had piano recitals at every year long ago). good times. in the afternoon, the younger boys had sailing lessons so i drove over there with everyone and ran home; i think it was about 4 miles. i probably did more walking than running because of the heat & humidity, but i eventually made it home. i haven't sweat that much in a very long time (tmi? probably), but it's true. good old ice water was my friend afterwards. and of course i can't forget about elias' bath. isn't he beyond adorable?!?


  1. Looks like lots of fun!! And he is such an adorable baby!


  2. Ooh that looks SO fun and beyond beautiful.


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