Wednesday, June 12, 2013

lucy, elias and his o's

that little highchair was for my baby dolls many years ago. my mom still has it (awww.) 

we put elias' cheerios on the highchair for snacking, because it's just out of lucy's reach. 
when e was born, he was the same weight as lucy, but he quickly out grew her. 
i still think they'll be best friends. 
(AFTER elias realizes she doesn't like to be pulled across the floor by her tail.)


  1. Hey Rosala! You followed me this morning and left a little comment and I can't tell you how much it made me smile (: I woke up to a little ray of sunshine from you, so I came over here to check out your blog and it's TOTALLY awesome. I'm so following back. Do you have bloglovin? I wanted to follow you on that so that when google friend connect leaves us in July I won't miss out on your blog

    Jenny xox

    1. You're blog is super cute! :) I don't have bloglovin, but it sounds like I should get onto that... :)


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