Monday, March 7, 2011


It's hard to learn about a science subject, such as biology, when the teacher won't stop talking about evolution.

It bugs me SO much!

As this winter quarter comes to an end, I look back and am glad that I've been able to push through it.
What makes me so aggravated is that my teacher and textbook teach evolution as a fact throughout the class EVEN when the first chapter says it's a theory... :\ What's up with that?!
At the beginning of this quarter, my time spent in the lectures consisted of me feeling sick to my stomach... my professor was and is teaching a lie, and all of my peers believe that stuff... it crushes my heart.
Now it seems like I'm just "getting use to" the whole evolution thing. I'm not saying that I believe it. That's not what I'm saying at all. It's more like I am getting use to the idea that evolution is a part of this society, and the battle between creation vs. evolution will not end until Jesus comes back. I think I've learned to ignore the lies my teacher throws out at us, and I don't feel nauseous any more.
Sadly for the exams, I NEED to know this evolution stuff. I want a good grade and that means learning the material.
There is definitely a difference, though, between knowing and believing. I can KNOW what the "correct" answer on a test is, but believing those "facts" is a choice. If someone were to tell me to believe evolution while putting a gun to a head, well, I'd be in heaven because of my refusal to believe it.

I mean, look around you... the bright stars on a clear night, the vibrant colors of hot springs, ecosystems and how they work together, snow and sand, how microscopic this planet is compared to the milky way or universe, and how huge it is compared to a little cell... And yet that cell has DNA codes, RNA, ribosomes synthesizing protein, mitochondria making energy from chemicals, etc. And that's just ONE cell. We have trillions of them in our bodies. In the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan*, he says that a caterpillar has 228 separate and distinct muscles in its head!! That's a lot!

*I highly recommend you read this book! :)

The amazing complexity of a single flower.
Point Defiance, Washington

Hot Spring in Yellow Stone.
The more I learn about this earth, the more I figure out that I don't know anything. Crazy how that works.

I don't think this happened by accident...

Until next time.


  1. Evolution is hard for me to push though too. I hate that I have to pretend to believe something thats so wrong, for a good grade. Class mates don't help with the taunts "Tone it down for the creationist." :/ Good luck me amiga!
    (And I like the blog) :)

  2. I'm so with you! love how wise you are in the ways of school... Oh, and life in general.(:


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