Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The day my brother got back at me

The one year Nate and I went to public school, he was in 2nd grade; I was in 3rd. 

From 2001-2002, I didn't learn a thing. 

Wait, I take that back. I learned how to put Elmer's glue on erasers, let it dry then peel it off. You can create cool designs when markers are involved. ;) (Did anyone else do that as a kid?) My friend and I had a whole factory going. I learned how to beg my classmates for Top Ramen at recess, and I also learned that 15 minutes just isn't enough time to play outside. So besides those things, I was basically babysat all day. My teacher wasn't exactly the best of teachers...She would assign homework 10 minutes before class ended for the day, but the homework was so easy that I would finish it before the bell rang. Yeah, it was pretty nice not having homework. ever. Oh! and the sociology of assigned seating... I know what that teacher was up to. She would put good kids next to the bad kids in hopes that the bad kids would rub off on us (yeah, I was a "good kid"- I guess.) On the first day of class, I got to sit by a nice/respectful girl, but that seating arrangement didn't last long. Instead I got to sit next to this kid named Andrew for awhile. He was double my size and ate erasers. What the heck. I don't think he showered either. |:

Nate's teacher was the COMPLETE opposite. He had to do book reports everyday. I think he would be up til 9pm doing homework (9pm was late fyi).  Back then, I didn't care much, but now a feel bad. Poor guy.

All of that being said, we were homeschooled the rest of our schooling years.  

But I need to go back to what this post is suppose to be about! 

My mom made this rule that everyday after school, my brother and I would meet at the corner of a specific building, THEN get on the bus together. This way, we could be safe and keep track of each other. One day, I got distracted and got on the bus without him. I completely forget about him! The second part of the rule was: never get on the bus unless you two have met up first. Needless to say, I was at home, and he was still at school. It was probably the most traumatizing days of his life up to that point. I don't remember getting in trouble, BUT I do remember feeling absolutely horrible. I received the Worst Sister Award that day. He still brings it up sometimes: "Yeah, remember that one time you left me at school? I waited and waited and waited for you. I watched the bus leave..." 

10 years later...
my brother gets back at me. 
he probably didn't mean to do it, but it still happened, nonetheless. haha.
I work evenings to midnight and if Nate needs the car that night, then he has to pick me up. So last Thursday, I get off of work, change, and text him. No reply. I stand outside for a few minutes, still nothing. It's about 12:15am at this point. I assume he was at home asleep with his phone on silent. great. I go back inside because my fingers were starting to freeze and then I start texting my mom. She couldn't do much, because she's in Hawaii, but she could at least be there mentally. 

Options, options... what are my options?
I could sleep there. Definitely not. 
I could walk 3.5 miles back home in 20 degrees. Probably not a good idea. 
I could call a taxi. Taxis and taxi drivers scare me (plus I didn't have cash), so no. 
I could call a friend to pick me up. I didn't want to wake up anyone though. 
I could walk half a mile to see if one of the main buildings on campus was open. I knew it was closed, but I just wanted to try it anyway. 
First door. Locked. Second door. Locked. Third door. Locked. I went to the parking ramp, because there's a tunnel going from there to the building. (it's not a creepy tunnel, if that's what you're wondering.) It was closed too, but not before the area I was considering to spend the night. It was warm at least! I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. Then I break-down, start crying and praying. God put me on a direct line to Nate, because the next thing I know, I'm getting a call from him. Praise the Lord. The car ride home was very quiet, but I think I was more thankful than mad.  

Nate's side of the story: he accidentally fell asleep without setting his alarm.  
He wondered what even woke him up. 

Immediately, my answer was: God did! :) 

We finally got home a little after 1am, and I was very thankful to be in my own bed. 

The End.


  1. Omigosh, that's scary and awesome that God woke him up! Good story! I have not blogged in a couple months... but I'm back! I was STRESSING about being the speaker for the ladies luncheon and now it's DONE! It's nice to hear your stories :) Thinking of you!

  2. I was wondering where you went!! I miss reading your posts. Oh my! Without even hearing you speak, I know you did amazingly! I do wish I was there to hear you though :( I don't know if you'll even see this reply... so maybe I'll post it onto your blog ;)


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:) thanks for stopping by & have a blessed day.