Thursday, January 31, 2013

yesterday was one of those days

you know those days when all you want to do when you wake up is go back to sleep?

yesterday was one of those days.
it was packed with things i needed to do, but didn't want to do.

i like to call mondays and wednesdays my busy days, because i'm at school for many, many hours.
on monday i'm here from 7:30am-midnight (because of work). and wednesdays (usually) aren't as bad, but i had a chemistry test last night, so i spent much of my time at school again. i don't mind "living" at school. i mean, this is where i get my internet, so it's not so bad. ;)

but yesterday was especially rough. i had to keep repeating philippians 4:13 in my head: i can do all things through christ who gives me strength, because i wasn't going to be able to keep going without his help.
spread throughout the day, i had two quizzes: one cake, one not so cake-y. three classes + a lab and studying/finishing homework before the chem test. in lab, i did something i've *never* done before. it was disgusting and i had to refrain myself from gagging. let's just say the specimens weren't urine, and keep it at that. yeah...  the test was probably one of the hardest test i've ever taken too, and i sure hope they grade on a curve. all in all, i'm glad yesterday is over, and it's a brand new day. :)


  1. Oh man! What a loooong day! That lab sounds pretty disgusting. I hope you are able to get some R&R today. :)

  2. i feel your pain with school. it takes so many hours to be a good student and there arent many hours left for other things! i struggle with managing my time as a student and my life as a normal human being haha
    good luck and it will definitely pay off in the end!

  3. New follower! :) I am enjoying your blog!

    I totally get those looong school days. I don't go to a school anymore (I'm finishing my bachelors through online university) so I don't have those days anymore, but I've had my share of 12-15 hour days, for sure. Hang in there girl! You have the right attitude :)


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