Thursday, January 24, 2013

life is busy, and i am 20.

Completing 20 goals by my twentieth birthday was easier said than done...
just  'cause I can say them, doesn't mean I was able to finished them. but I'm glad I had things to work on throughout the year. These past 12 months have definitely been crazy ones: from having the mindset of doing dental hygiene school in Washington State to moving cross the country with my brother to go to a university in North Dakota. From receiving an associates degree to also being blessed with another baby brother. When I look back on this year, I can see God's hand in it all. He has blessed me so much. My heart can hardly stand it. His ways are not my ways- and I am glad.
(I actually copied this from a facebook update I did around new years.)

Here are the goals I did and didn't accomplish:

1. read the Old Testament

2read the New Testament

3. fast for 48 hours: this was probably one of the hardest things I've done. I was so weak and tired, but He is strong.
4. fast for 36 hours: Technically, I completed this one when I did the 48 hour one, but my intensions were to do them both on separate occasions.
5. "pray in the spirit on all occasions" (Ephesians 6:18) I prayed more this year than any other year, but it doesn't stop now that I'm 20. Oh no, it's just beginning. My job allows plenty of time for me to either talk to myself or talk to God, and I'm pretty sure talking to God is a little more rewarding and beneficial. :)

6. do 20 pushups in a row: I was able to get to 20 girly pushups. Ha!
7. run 3 miles in 25 minutes: Nope. didn't complete this one.
8. do a Sprint Triathlon: I wasn't able to do this one either. This year it's gotta happen!
9. eat only vegan food for a week
10. Stretch: palms to the ground while knees are locked: on a good day, I can do it.

11. visit Hawaii: Didn't happen, but I'm looking forward to going this summer!
12. Read the Help by Kathryn Stock

13. Read Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis: I was finally able to borrow it from the library 2ish days before my birthday, so this goal is half-way complete.

14. fill another journal 
15. smile more: maybe I did, maybe I didn't. who knows.

16. Make cookies for someone
17. write and send 20 letters
18. be an unofficial mentor to younger girls: As humbly at I can say it, I hope younger girls are able to look at my life and see Jesus shining through. It's not me; it's Him. He's protected me and kept me from making decisions I would regret later on in life.
19. get 20 people to follow my blog: woohoo! 26 people:) haha
20. Meet someone new:  I've met many amazing people here in North Dakota! :)

 Yesterday I played I Spy with parasites for three hours. Fun stuff.
(sorry, this picture has nothing to do with my 20 by 20
but I hate when my posts don't have pictures in them. You'll probably NEVER see one without a picture fyi.)

I might start a 21-by-21 list or just finish up the ones I haven't done for this year. I'll let you know what I end up doing.

In the mean time, any goal suggestions? I'm open to ideas.


  1. Man, you did a LOT! You should be so proud of all that you did accomplish!! Makes me want to do 22-by-22...but my birthday is in July. But it's July 22 which makes me REALLY wanna go all out. Hmmmm!

    1. Thanks, Jessica! Oo! You should do a 22-by-22! That'll be a crazy challenge! My golden birthday is on the 22nd too! :D

    2. How exciting! :) You should do 22 by 22 too!! I tagged you on my blog:

      I don't usually do the tagging thing, but it's fun to get to know each other! :)


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:) thanks for stopping by & have a blessed day.